When Should I See a Mental Health Professional?

These days we seem to live with continuous anxiety, and many of us think it’s the “new normal.” Are you constantly “down in the dumps?” In the course of a week, how many days are good days vs not so good? If you are sad and depressed most days, maybe you should find out why and get some help. When is it time to see a mental health professional?

Prolonged Sadness

Someone who wakes up every morning feeling sad or depressed might need some professional help. Is sadness preventing you from normal activities or socializing? Is itTherapist speaking with client. causing you to miss work or school? Is it affecting your relationships or caring for your children?

These are questions a mental health professional might be able to answer. If you know someone like this, don’t be reticent. Suggest they get help. If it’s you, follow your own advice.

When Stress Dominates Your Life

There are many legitimate reasons for stress in today’s world. Recovering from isolation during the pandemic, inflation making money issues a daily problem, crises in the world and in our communities, and so much more can all trigger stress for individuals.

Most people have some level of stress in their daily life, but they carry on. They go to work, do their job, raise their family, and have found a way to cope. On the other hand, others are stuck in stress. Some can’t even get out of bed. Others are paralyzed and see no future, have no will to move forward, and just give up. If this is you or someone you know, don’t let them drown in the stress. Encourage them to seek help.

Out of Control Mood Swings

One minute you are feeling OK, and the next you are angry and irritated. If you find yourself going back and forth from euphoria to depression, it’s time to act. This isn’t normal behavior. Definitely see a mental health professional with Colony Care through telemedicine or in Wellesley, Weymouth, or Arlington, MA.

Some Signs You May Need Therapy or a Mental Health Professional

  • When you continuously feel overwhelmed and thinking you can’t do it all. This type of anxiety can affect your physical health.
  • Always feeling fatigued, but there is no real medical issue.
  • Feeling apathetic and losing all interest in life, friends, your job, and all activities you once loved.
  • Feeling so lost, you are having thoughts about harming yourself.

If you’re experiencing the above signs, contact Colony Care to request an appointment to meet with a mental health professional. We can support you on your path to well-being. Though, If this is a life-threatening emergency, please contact 911 and/or present to your nearest emergency room. Your mental health matters, and we can help.


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